I had a work assignment the other day in a small town that I used to pass through on my way to and from college.
It felt like a part of me remains in the towns on route to my college experience town. I won’t even begin to describe the emotion in the actual college town.
I saw the first symptoms of my schizoaffective disorder while I was at college. We can almost chart the progression of my illness with my grades.
I have been diagnosed as a schizophrenic for around 15 years now, but it started much earlier with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. Today it is considered to be schizoaffective disorder. Schizoaffective disorder is the combination of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
I write this blog post and all my blog posts to share my experiences with my disease.
I think my spirit left me in that little town and in towns along the way. I think the essence of what was right with my upbringing drained away because I was becoming ill.
I was disturbed with my illness those early years in college.
Is that feeling I get when I visit a town along my route, simply a form of post traumatic stress disorder?
Perhaps the town is nothing more than a trigger for bringing back those memories.
I have also been back to my old college town. The feelings are even more visceral.
What a deep and emotional longing I feel when I visit the college town of my freshman year. Such a great sense of regret. Did I do anything right those years?
I could and should use this as a topic for discussion with my therapist.
I could always say to myself, “Well, you have mental illness. The result of those years was because you weren’t well mentally.”
I would love to reframe my thoughts, but they aren’t even really thoughts. They are a deep sense of shame and regret.
Why did I have to go through those negative events?
Were my poor grades and poor decisions all the result of my mental illness? Or am I a wild child, that was an errant? The prodigal son.
If nothing else, while in college, I was a small boat tossed by the wind of a hurricane. That probably describes it best. I was just tossed about by life.
Today, I have a mooring. I have been through much worse circumstances in my present time - think jail, and haven gotten through.
My moorings were spent and not moored to anything when I was a freshman at college. I floundered. In trying to find a place, I looked toward the wrong place.
I am dancing around the issues I had. I was just completely incapable of being on my own in those early years of college.
Such regret… If I could take it back I would. Today, I have Direction. That’s probably the single most important fact to note.
I was errant and still feel the emotion of it. A part of my soul was left in that college town.
Thanks for sharing. I understand your feelings of regret, but certainly hope there are many more opportunities in your future that you can now take full advantage of. All best.
It makes total sense to me that you are grieving for that younger version of yourself who had dreams and potential about what could be ahead after college but it became an unhappy place because of your illness which destroyed the hopes you had for yourself. It is a heartbreaking loss of the happiness that you could have enjoyed if things had gone better. It’s grief that you are feeling, and it’s totally understandable and human and natural. Don’t be ashamed, let yourself grieve and treat yourself with kindness as you begin to recover