Thanks for sharing. I understand your feelings of regret, but certainly hope there are many more opportunities in your future that you can now take full advantage of. All best.

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It makes total sense to me that you are grieving for that younger version of yourself who had dreams and potential about what could be ahead after college but it became an unhappy place because of your illness which destroyed the hopes you had for yourself. It is a heartbreaking loss of the happiness that you could have enjoyed if things had gone better. It’s grief that you are feeling, and it’s totally understandable and human and natural. Don’t be ashamed, let yourself grieve and treat yourself with kindness as you begin to recover

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What Janice said. Thank you for sharing.

I’d add two things to consider: 1. Everyone including those who don’t have any mental illness, makes poor choices, and usually in late teen through early adulthood. Many students crash and burn their first attempt at college. Normal. 2. Staying in shame or regret is ultimately self-serving and can be a bad habit that does not serve you. It keeps you in victimhood mode and prevents growth.

I’m so sorry you have this disorder, but you are not your illness. You are full of possibility and have gifts to share.

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Thank you for your comment. I'm trying to get out of shame. I don't know why I'm so hard on myself about old stuff. I'm not my illness.

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