Refreshing to read your honesty about your pre trip. Is this more than just anxiousness or anxiety? Some seems a bit extra but some seems quite normal planning a trip. I also do love to come home to a clean house after a trip. The footsteps in the carpet… that’s a bit different for me. I hope at some point you were able to relax and enjoy the company of the family. That seems like the go to response for any anxious moment… Is this important enough to overshadow my family time? How did you finally overcome the thinking?

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thanks for you feedback LaLa. I think there are couple things going on: 1) there is anxiety 2) I am kind of rigid in my thinking. The positive reality is though, that evening when I had all the concerns, I wrote the blog post and then just kind of accepted the situation. I just did what I could the next morning. I left with the carpet not freshly vacuumed. I think I am coming to terms with separating my thinking from my actions (if that's the right terminology). I was all amped up over having things just perfect, but was able to just do it in the morning and had a later start. I had another friend who read this post say that she doesn't like traveling and she has some loopy habits around it too. That made me feel really good. I may not be alone in my stresses. I often think that many of the things I suffer from with my mental health diagnosis aren't so different from what anyone else experiences, they may be just a bit more exaggerated. You are right, many of my concerns were just normal trip planning. When I arrived at my destination I was able to enjoy the family time.

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So glad you had a good time once you were there!

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