Hi Lilian. Thanks for reading my post. I appreciate those recommendations on the documentaries. I just read a summary of them on the web and they look great. It is really fascinating about the digestive system. As time allows, I'm going to continue to research the subject. As someone told me, we can put a man on the moon, but yet finding definitive information about what to eat is so elusive. I think I really need to dig in and do my homework.

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Hi Mat! Great read, thanks for sharing your experience! The Serotonin-gut connection is a fascinating subject!

In the past 5 years, I've started a journey to discover what food/ingredients work best in my body (yes, there are specifics for everyone's body constitution) at precise moments of our lives (as a woman over 40, I now have other concerns and priorities).

I've been enjoying documentaries and series about the topic, and I can recommend two that expanded my views: "You are what you eat - a twin experiment" and "Hack your health - the secrets of your gut". However, these are not definite information to follow through on; rather, they are studies open to possibilities. Ayurveda has been another source of insights on foods vs body types/needs.

I'm truly interested in the brain-guts connection (being guts our second brain), and also explore authors and experts on the topic.

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I didn't know about the serotonin-gut connection but maybe it explains my urge to eat carbs (mostly chips) when I'm feeling down. Of course, after I've gorged on them, I feel sick.😕 Thanks for an informative post.

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Thanks for reading the post Janice. At least it's chips and not a sleeve of Oreos ;)

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